The Disposal Operations Activity provides an environmentally safe means of disposal of solid waste. This includes managing and monitoring the city's landfill, yard waste processing facilities, Household Hazardous Waste Disposal and Electronic Waste Disposal programs. Disposal Operations also monitors and maintains the city's closed landfills.
Disposal Operations oversees the process of solid waste management facilities' obtaining permits and is also charged with inspecting these facilities.
Disposal Operations is also responsible for the investigation and remediation of contaminated sites that are a result of past dumping, disposal or landfill operations.
The city's landfill is the Trail Ridge Landfill, located at 5110 U.S. Highway 301 in Baldwin. This is about 4 1/2 miles south of the intersection of US 301 and I-10. The landfill is closed Sundays. Regular waste (household garbage and building materials) is charged at a rate of $29.87 per ton, which is prorated based upon the actual weight of the waste disposed. On Saturdays, Duval County residents are charged $1.00 for the first 500 pounds. Pounds in excess of 500 are prorated at $29.87 per ton. For more information, contact 255-7355.
The City's South Mulch Facility located at 11600 Davis Creek Road East has been closed. See Yard Waste for disposal locations.
If appliances and/or tires are taken to Trail Ridge Landfill, they must be declared at the scalehouse. If not declared, there is an additional surcharge. The fees for disposal of white goods and tires at Trail Ridge are as follows:
$ 1.50 - passenger car tires (each)
$10.00 - truck tires (each)
$28.00 - other tires (each)
$20.00 - appliances (each)